The Process



For your Free Credit Analysis/Analyst and to accurately work on your credit file, we must first be able to TRACK & MONITOR the disputes & updates on a regular basis.   We need you to This is why MILLENNIAL FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS has partnered with FreeScoreNow to provide you with high-quality consumer data reports. We “Track” “Build” & “Master” your credit while they provide you with credit, identity fraud and money monitoring all in one.  

Click on link to register


Free Credit Analysis/Analyst  

B) Upload Documents

Upload photocopies of your proof of identification (one-by-one) in your secured client enrollment form. These documents may include but are not limited to. (i.e. Driver’s License, Passport, SSC, Tax Return, W2 and proof of address).  We need all your log in credentials to conduct an in-depth credit analysis


Let The Process Begin!

At Millennial Financial Solutions, nothing makes us blissful than to get our client members to this point! This is where magic can finally begin! By this time, we have completed your Analysis, this normally takes 1-2 minutes, and a detailed report will be emailed for further discussion.  This report will be prepared based on the Fair Credit Reporting Act.  This law was put in place to ensure that credit bureaus report 100% accurate information on your credit report.  Our job at Millennial Financial Solutions is to challenge any information that is not following the law of the Fair Credit Reporting Act.   

DAY 5-45

The Notorious Wait

According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, you must give that creditor a legal 30-45 calendar days to respond to the dispute.  

The reason why the Creditors are allowed these 30 days to provide a written response is. The credit bureaus are working with both your creditors and collectors to investigate the accuracy of each account in dispute. In the early stages of the dispute process, there is nothing we can legally do to speed this process up. Don’t be discouraged, there is still plenty of work to be done at!

This is why we will be emailing, texting, and communicating with you on a weekly, and in certain cases daily! Should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask your Credit Specialist for the support!

This is the time for us to re-evaluate and strategize!! New updates and scores! At this point in the journey, you should be receiving correspondence in the mail from the credit bureaus regarding your first round of investigations.

Please, as a courtesy, forward all CORRESPONDENCE to our office email.


Let The Process Begin!

On Day 30.

Agreements! Every company has them! All parties involved need them. But don’t worry! Millennial Financial Solutions does not commit clients to a long-term agreement. Clients are enrolled on a month-to-month basis and reserve the right to cancel their membership at any time, penalty free! Nevertheless, clients must sign with their digital signature.

DAY 31-45

Re-Analyze Credit Report

After we have reviewed your file, we will then follow up with all necessary credit reporting agencies, original creditors, and send debt validation letters to any remaining debt collectors. We will consult with an Attorney if necessary.  We do not continue sending out letters. 


DAY 45-60

Start Adding New Credit

Now is an excellent time to start rebuilding and re-establishing your credit history with the credit bureaus. Remember, if no positive credit is added while we work on removing negative items, your score increases may not be huge.

Introduce Credit Builder Credit Card

DAY 65+

We Work Until You Graduate

Continue to work towards 740 credit score.  Issued a graduation certificate and a complimentary gift on US! Upon graduation, you will have enough information to never have bad credit again! Next, will enter our Funding Connect Program, where we will get different funding for now having perfect credit, to leverage and remain financially free!