
Credit Improvement

We work to successfully remove:


Credit Report Evalution

Thoroughly review and analyze your credit reports from all three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, TransUnion) to identify inaccuracies, errors, and negative items and if credit repair is needed or not

Tax 75%
Debit Amount 85%
Loans 50%

We offer educational resources and counseling to help clients understand credit management, budgeting, and financial literacy. This can include webinars, articles, and one-on-one consultation, and challenges..

Premium Credit Education


Popular Questions

Absolutely, and we will suggest that you open specific credit accounts based on your credit

profile. These accounts will be tailored to you, and will plug the holes in your specific credit file

and maximize your score. (This is a partnership and that we will advise when to apply based on

credit repair journey.) But me mindful, we will always advise what accounts to apply for, anything

not recommended by us, will possibly hurt or slow down your repair process!

Great question. Unlike most companies that only dispute two or three items per month, we

challenge every piece of negatively reporting information every month, which results in a much

shorter total program time for our clients. However, please always keep in mind that credit repair

is a process, and that process takes time and patience as well as maximum effort. Most of out

clients will see some changes on their credit report within the first 45 days or so, and then they

see more results following each cycle that we send

There are two sides to the credit score battle. Sometimes, the Creditors and the Credit Bureaus

have done absolutely everything correctly regarding our client’s information on file with the

Bureaus and therefore we do not have a disputable case against them. Each account is

different. However, on average our clients have experienced up to approximately 70% (+) of the

negative removed items from their credit reports.

Normally derogatory items which we have disputed and have been successfully removed do not

return to the client’s Credit Reports as long as the item is not classified as a renewal of the

original debt. An example would be the client just made a payment on a delinquent debt, which

restarted the 7 year payment clock on the original date of delinquency. Another example of an

exception is in certain circumstances the debt may be sold to a different debt collector which

then started reporting the previously removed debt again.

With our assistance, relentless disputing and document processing services, our clients have

experienced great success with removing bankruptcies, collections, charge-offs, repossessions,

medical bills, credit card debt, inquiries, late payments, old addresses, and student loans from

their Credit Reports and improving their scores. This does not mean that the disputed item did

not occur. Frequently, the removal was successful because the facts or other supporting

information about the derogatory entry was not reported correctly; which in of itself constitutes a

violation of your legal rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Fair Debt Collection

Practices Act. If this occurs, the entire incorrect Credit Bureau entry regarding this debt must be
